Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Harrowing Experience

Yesterday was a sunny, summer day that started out well.  By noon I had accomplished the chores that I wanted to do.  I fact, I had completed all the major gardening and yard work  that I wanted to do before I leave for Mexico again at the beginning of August.  I decided to reward myself and do some shopping.  I drove to a mall that I infrequently visit thirty miles away on the other side of town.  I found some good bargains, and in late afternoon I was headed back.

I was about one third of the way home.  I came to the ramp which leads from one interstate to another.  Rush hour was beginning, and, as usual, traffic was tied up in that spot.  I was creeping along at about five miles per hour.  Then in my rear view mirror I saw a terrifying sight.  A van that was going much too fast plowed into the vehicle in front of it.  That vehicle landed on top of the car in front of it.  The car was pushed into the next car, and it slammed into me.  I, in turn, was pushed into the rear of the SUV in front of me.  A total of six vehicles were involved.  The SUV that I ran into suffered minor (although I am sure very expensive) rear end damage.  Every other vehicle was TOTALED! 

The young lady in the third car in the chain (the one with the vehicle perched on her roof) was the only one injured.  She was unconscious at first, but was awake when the ambulance took her away.  I hope that she will be all right.  Everyone else was OK.

My air bags deployed.  I attempted to drive my two year old Prius to the side of the highway, but it would not move.  I got out of the car.  The rear end would probably be reparable, but the front end was smashed in.

Several police cars, an ambulance and a fire truck were quickly on the scene, and the ramp was closed to traffic.  The police officers were very courteous and professional, and gave all of us forms to fill out for the accident report.  The officers drove us to the local police station, and we were given the report number to give to our insurance agent.  Because of the severity of the accident, the police took possession of all the vehicles for the investigation.  One of the drivers, the one who was behind me, lives not too far from me.  When his wife arrived to pick him up, they graciously drove me home.  Many thanks to them.

This was the first time in my life that I have experienced a major car accident, an experience that I never want to repeat!  But the most important thing is that I am fine.   


  1. My dear Bill! I am horrified and feel the fright you must have experienced. I'm SO relieved you weren't injured! I guess on your next visit home you'll be car shopping. Oh! and were you able to get your bargains out of the car to bring home? I imagine you'll be given a rental car, but meanwhile, if you need a ride somewhere, let me know!

    1. Thank you, cousin. Yes, I took everything out of the car before I left the scene. Although, I'm afraid that every time that I wear the clothes that I bought, I will be reminded of the accident.

  2. Oh my Dear Retired Teacher , I always look for , ,news from you ( love to hear about all of your ,experiences ,) But today ,I do not know what to say , THANK THE UNIVERSE, Be well celebrate every minute ,Thank you for sharing . I will celebrate , in your name , TAKE THE BEST CARE.

    1. Dear Nicole, thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate your readership, and hopefully future posts will be more cheerful.

  3. I'm glad you're okay, and I hope that the hospitalized woman is okay also. Sounds like your car might be totaled, that's always a bummer but at least you were able to walk away.


    1. Thanks, Scott. I too hope that the woman is OK, although I don't think that I will ever know. There is no "might" about it. My car was totaled.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear of this accident. How scary! I'm glad you're OK.

  5. OMG, I'm SO glad you're OK. I saw your prior posts and had to head to this one. The kind of accident you were in is the kind I always dread, and I narrowly missed one such accident on my way to California. Fortunately I saw what was happening and was able to dart to the shoulder before I got hit.

    Well, you should wish you lived in a busier city. In Boston during rush hour, no one can get going fast enough to create such an accident, haha.

    Saludos y un abrazo,

    Kim G
    Redding, CA
    Where the locals roar around in giant, but oddly pristine trucks.

    1. Thanks, Kim. I all happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to react, and the shoulder of the ramp was so narrow that I don't think I could have avoided the wreckage anyway. But everything is now taken care of. I even have the insurance settlement in the checking account. So I can head off to Mexico on Monday without any of this hanging over my head.

  6. Sheesh, I'm kinda glad I did not read this a few weeks ago. I would have freaked out. Reading the most current post, which let me know you are okay and working backward on posts was a GOOD thing today. Be safe in CDMX and I'll contact you by email in the next few days......

    1. All is well, and even all the hassle and paperwork have been completed before my departure! Tomorrow evening I will be in CDMX!

  7. Dear Bill, I hadn't read this... I'm so glad you weren't injured in this accident and are all alive and well enjoying your time in Mexico City. ¡Abrazos!

    1. Thanks, Tino. Even though the car was totaled, it could have been so much worse!
