Friday, June 9, 2017

Making Salsa

On Thursday, my first full day back in Mexico City, I went grocery shopping at the nearby Superama to stock my pantry and refrigerator with food. 

Even though you can buy all kinds of bottled salsas (and some of them are quite good), I decided that I was going make some from scratch.  After returning from the supermarket, I made a batch of "salsa verde", green sauce.  I have made "salsa verde" numerous times using a recipe, but I decided that this time I would just improvise.

The main ingredient for "salsa verde" is "tomates".   In Mexico, red tomatoes are called "jitomates".   The green "tomate" may look like an unripened tomato, but it is an entirely different fruit.  It is covered with a papery husk that is removed.  I put the "tomates" in boiling water and cooked them briefly.  They then went into the blender along with the juice of half a lime and a chopped "serrano" pepper.  I roasted a couple cloves of garlic and chopped some onion and added those to the mixture.  Then I did something unconventional.  At the supermarket I had purchased a jar of creamy cilantro dressing.  Although the salsa should include chopped cilantro, I threw in a couple spoons of the creamy dressing instead.  I finished it off with a dash of salt and a bit of basil. 

The finished product was good.  Alejandro tasted it, and he approved.  For supper we had fish fillets covered in "salsa verde".  It was a very good combination.  

I still have some salsa left.  When the avocados that I bought have ripened, I am going to smash one up and combine it with the "salsa verde" to make guacamole.

I also bought some "jitomates" (red tomatoes) and a small can of chipotle peppers at the supermarket.  My next "salsa project" will be to make "salsa chipotle".  

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