Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How's the Weather?

Summer is now officially here.  Looking at the weather reports I see that back home in Ohio they have already been dealing with quite a few days of temperatures at 90 F or above.  That is unseasonably hot for the month of June.

Here in Mexico the rainy season is supposed to start sometime in June.  On the evening of my arrival on June 7th we had heavy rain.  For several days after that we had rain... anything from a good downpour to a "chipichipi" (a light drizzle).  I assumed that the rainy season had begun.  The rain came, in the normal manner for Mexico, in the late afternoon or evening.  The mornings and even the early afternoons were bright and sunny.  The "rainy season" was not preventing me from being out and about.  

However, the last few days have been without rain, so I am not so sure if the "rainy season" is truly upon us or not.  Saturday, June 24th, is the Day of St. John the Baptist.  When the native tribes of Mexico were converted to Christianity they associated the Catholic saints with their ancient gods.  St. John was associated with Tlaloc, the god of rain.  After Saturday the long range forecast calls for rain and storms for the following ten days.  We will see if Tlaloc starts doing his thing.

As far as the temperature goes, it has been very pleasant here, although the locals think it is very hot.  Most days, the high is in the low 80s... summery but not sweltering.  Even in the evening, it has still been warm enough to go out in shirt sleeves.  I will be very happy if the weather continues like this for the rest of the month.

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