Monday, January 30, 2017

Shopping with an Ulterior Motive

Today I went to the Insurgentes Market and did a bit more shopping.  I found a couple small items as gifts for friends.  But my main purpose in going to the market was to buy a couple t-shirts.  Now I really do not need any more t-shirts, but I figure that if I wear them back home I might tick off some rabid Trump supporters.

This one of the revolutionary Emiliano Zapata might raise some hackles.

 The quotation by Zapata says, "Better to die standing than to live kneeling."

I told the vendor at the market stall my motive for buying the shirts, and she thanked me for my solidarity with Mexico.


  1. Are you sure you even want to come home at all? I read each morning's headlines and die a little more inside every time. I, for one, just bought a t-shirt that reads "Everything is terrible all the time."

    1. No, I do NOT want to return to Trumpland, but at least I will only be there for 2 months, and then in April I begin spending every other month in Mexico.
      I was looking at some websites the other night, and I found a couple t-shirts that I think that I am going to order. One says, "Let's build a wall around Trump. I'll pay for it." And the other says something like "I'll give your president the same respect that you have shown for mine."
      You know, even as a college student during the Vietnam War, I have never participated in a protest, but I am giving it more and more thought!

  2. I participated in the union protests in Wisconsin in 2011 and in our local Women's March last weekend. It is good to see such clear evidence that there are many people around you who share your outrage. However, I fear that many people who need to get the message don't. As a German friend told me once, when people take to the streets in protest in Europe (or other places around the world), the government takes notice because they fear their own people. Not so here....At least not yet.

    1. Good for you!
      I suppose that there was a Women's March in Cleveland. If I had been at home I would have thought about joining in. (I assume men were welcome at those marches, weren't they?)

  3. Yes, the marches were very inclusive. They were meant to rally people in opposition to the Trump agenda, but without giving him the satisfaction of being directly named. They were framed as women's marches because issues like discrimination, family planning, low wages, gender identity, immigration, etc. disproportionately affect women. But definitely anyone opposing Trump was welcome. There were a lot of men at the march in Madison, and it was great.

  4. Trump wondered where all the women at the march were on Election Day. Idiot. They were among the popular vote majority who voted against him.
