Thursday, January 12, 2017

Farewell to Mérida

My bags are packed, and I am ready to leave on my afternoon flight on Interjet Airlines to Mexico City.  It has been, as always, a wonderful stay in one of my favorite cities in the world.  I hope to return soon.  Perhaps next winter another friend or relative will want to experience Mérida with me.

 ¡Hasta luego, Mérida!


  1. I've been identifying pictures on our flash drive all evening, and reliving our trip. I'll be doing that for years to come. Gracias, mi primo!

    1. And when I return home, I will prepare you a DVD of pictures and videos from the trip!

  2. Is there a certain time of year you prefer to go there? Or would you go there any time of the year?

    1. Winter is the best time for Mérida. By spring it is blazing hot with temps way above 100 F.
      If you two can get off of work that time of year, I know a tour guide who would enjoy showing you the sights. :-)

    2. We'll keep that in mind for next winter, then. We would love to have you show us around! On a somewhat related note, we might have an opportunity to go to Spain this August! I'm trying to twist Chuck's arm....

    3. And I would love to show you the sights.
      Hope you get to Spain in August... although it is very, very hot that time of year.
