Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Back to Ohio

After spending five weeks in Mexico, on Tuesday I returned home to Ohio... and my friend Alejandro came with me for a two week visit.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I was upgraded to first class for the flight from Mexico City to Houston.  I had a window seat, and I was able to take this photo of the two volcanoes, Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl shortly after take-off.  For the past several decades  Popocatépetl (to the right) has been displaying more activity, and you can see that it was smoking that morning.

Upon arrival at Houston, passing through immigration and customs was a breeze.  There must not have been any other international arrivals when we got there.  I did not have to wait at all.  Alejandro, as a foreign visitor, had to go through a different line at immigration.  But this was the first time that he breezed through without waiting in a long line or having to answer a lot of questions.

We arrived in Cleveland before dark, and winter was awaiting us.  There was a light layer of snow on the ground, and the temperature, although not extreme, was colder than the chilliest night in Mexico City.

My back yard this morning


  1. That's a fantastic picture of the volcanoes. Have a lovely winter. It's definitely chilly here, probably in the mid-40's at daybreak, and still pretty chilly. But it's WAY warmer than Boston's 24°F, so I'm not complaining.

    Missing you guys!


    Kim G
    DF, México
    Where the coldest winter I ever spent was last year in Boston.

    1. Thanks, Kim. I liked the way that photo of the volcanoes came out.
      The temperature here right now is 14F and tomorrow the low is supposed to be zero! So enjoy the relative warmth of Mexico City.
