Monday, February 22, 2016

A Change in the Weather

Here in Ohio we joke that if you don't like the weather, wait a while... it will change.

In my previous blog entry, less that a week ago, I posted pictures of the snowfall that had turned our parks into a winter wonderland.  Since then, the temperature rose into the 50s.  (Alejandro and I were in Columbus, 130 miles to the south, this weekend, and there the temperature made it to 70 on Saturday!)  Yesterday, after we returned from Columbus, Alejandro suggested that we take a walk in the Cleveland Metropark.  Although it was a bit chilly with temperatures back in the 40s, it was still above normal for February.  There were plenty of families in the park enjoying the day.

 Here was the wintry view in the Rocky River Reservation last Tuesday.

 And here is the same spot yesterday.

During his visit here, Alejandro has had a chance to experience the cold and snow of an Ohio winter and the tantalizing promise of early spring... all within a week.

We spent a couple of pleasant hours walking through a small section of the park.

 Yours truly, savoring the sunshine.

I realize that it is only February.  I know that we will probably have more snow and cold before spring truly arrives... but then again, thanks to El Niño, who knows?  Unlike the last two winters which were unrelenting, it's nice to have a change in the weather!


  1. 85F here in San Miguel. I came back at just the right time. Yippee

    1. It is pouring rain here today, and tomorrow winter returns with snow. But at least this we are not suffering from interminable cold as we did the last two years. The breaks in the weather make the winter much more bearable.
      Enjoy the warmth!
