Thursday, August 20, 2015

Getting Ready for Christmas

Yes, I know it's August, and, no, I'm not putting up outdoor Christmas lights while the weather is nice, or even doing early gift shopping.  It's that time of year when I start on my home-made Christmas cards.  Those of you who have read my blog for a while may recall that each year I do a painting which I use for my cards.  Usually the picture is based on a photo from one of my trips during the past year.  For example, last year I painted a street scene from the French village of Giverny (with some snow added to make it look more "Christmassy".)

I then scan the painting to the computer and print off the cards.

This week I selected the picture for this year's card, and I have begun the painting.  What is this year's subject?  It's a secret until I send them out after Thanksgiving, so you will have to wait a few months to see.


  1. Your cards are always beautiful works of art. I've been saving them.

    1. Thanks, Meredith. I'm about one third done with this year's card.

  2. You are SO organized. A great trait. I too, have saved my card from last year. It was my first. And, hopefully not my last!


    1. You are on my Christmas card list, so look forward to receiving this year's edition after Thanksgiving.
