Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"I'm leaving on a jet plane..."

... but unlike the old song lyrics, I do know when I will be home again.

In a few hours I will be going to the airport to take off for Spain, where I will be attending the birthday party of my cousin Werner.  I have mentioned Werner in numerous posts previously.  Although he is Swiss, he and his spouse Manuel live in Madrid, where Werner owns a translation business.

I will arrive in Madrid Thursday morning.  The birthday celebration will be this weekend.  I just received an e-mail from Werner this morning.  He asked me if I will be too tired to join them for dinner tomorrow evening.  I replied that I would be delighted.  My strategy for fighting jet lag (which usually works very well) is to jump right into the swing of things, and not give in to the desire to nap.  I will be exhausted by tomorrow night, but after a good night's sleep I will have acclimated myself to the time difference.

My next post will be from sunny Madrid, Spain!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Barbara! Now that I have had a good night's sleep, I am ready to enjoy this wonderful city to the fullest!
