Sunday, June 29, 2014

RAF Museum

Today was another rainy day, so Kevin and I went to the Royal Air Force Museum in the nearby London suburb of Hendon.  Hendon was chosen as the site for the museum since the town has a long association with aviation.  The first British factory for the construction of aircraft and the first airfield in the country were located here.  The museum contains over 100 airplanes from the early days of aviation, through World Wars I and II, on to the post-war period.

 The first airplane to cross the English Channel

Adjacent to the Air Force Museum, is the Battle of Britain Museum which documents Hitler's unsuccessful attempt to bomb the United Kingdom into submission, the hardships of the English people during that difficult time, and the RAF pilots who confronted the German air force.
 Kevin in front of a Spitfire, the most famous RAF plane of the Battle of Britain.

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