Saturday, June 14, 2014

Flamenco at the Palace of Music

Last night Phyllis and I had tickets for a flamenco performance at Barcelona's beautiful "Palau de Música" (Palace of Music).  The concert hall was built between 1905 and 1908 and is one of the most extravagant of the "modernista" style of that era.  

Phyllis had wanted to see a flamenco show, but we had not had a chance to go to one while we were in Madrid.  When we saw posters advertising this show in Barcelona we immediately went to get tickets because I really wanted her to see the lavish interior of the theater.

I have to admit that I am not a big fan of flamenco.  The singing that accompanies the dancing, known as "cante jondo" (deep song) is a wailing sound that after awhile grates on my nerves.  I have also read that really good flamenco is hard to find.  Most of the shows that are presented are strictly for the tourist trade.

I had hopes that this show, since it was being presented in a prestigious concert hall, might be better than most.  There were some aspects that were outstanding.  The guitarist was an exceptional musician.  The opening piece where the guitarist did an extended solo accompanied only by the others clapping their hands was very impressive.  The female dancer and the younger male dancer were very talented.  

There were other aspects that I thought were just silly.  I thought that the lead male dancer was going to do a strip tease as he threw off his scarf and jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt.  Later he did some sort of modern dance choreography in a black body suit... I suspect that flamenco purists would be shaking their head.  

Nevertheless, I'm glad we went.  Phyllis was amazed by the interior of the theater.  Here are some pictures...