Independence Day

Independence Day

Sunday, August 11, 2024

No, This Is Not a Paid Advertisement

Some years ago, while I was in Mexico City, I was at Walmart and found Colgate "ultra-soft" toothbrushes that were made in Switzerland.  I was attracted by the fact that they were a Swiss product, and I bought some.  

They were wonderful... velvety soft and great for massaging the gums.  It sounds weird, but brushing my teeth was a pleasurable experience.  I often found myself brushing longer than customary.  

When I returned to Ohio, I looked for them in the stores, but I could not find them.  In fact, all the Colgate toothbrushes were made in China.  So, on the next trip to Mexico, I bought a BUNCH of toothbrushes to take home.  If they had asked me to open my suitcase at customs, they would have thought I was some sort of toothbrush smuggler.  I had more than enough to get me through the months of pandemic when I didn't travel to Mexico.

When I finally returned, neither Alejandro nor I were able to find the Swiss toothbrushes at Walmart or anywhere else.  When I made the permanent move to Mexico, I still had a few packages which I brought back with me.  I thought that when I make a trip to Switzerland, I would have to search for them there.

But then a couple months ago, I was in the Chedraui Supermarket near my apartment.  I was passing down the dental aisle when the Swiss flag emblem caught my eye.  They had the elusive toothbrushes!  I bought a bunch for myself and for Alejandro and his family.

Then the next couple weeks they disappeared.  Then they reappeared, and I bought more. I currently have ten packages... twenty brushes... sitting in the bathroom cabinet.

And, no, Colgate has not paid me for this unendorsed testimonial.  In fact, I'd like to ask Colgate, why the heck can't you find them in the U.S.?     

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