

Monday, August 17, 2020

On the Square

 As you know, since I cannot travel to Mexico, I have frequently gone there vicariously by looking at webcams of Mexico.  Since the pandemic began in earnest, the Zócalo, the city's main plaza has been fenced off and closed to the public.  However, yesterday afternoon when I looked at the webcam I saw that the barriers were gone and that there were people on the square.

It is not difficult to practice social distancing on the vast expanse of the Zócalo, but in less than a month Mexico will celebrate its Independence Day.  Traditionally hundreds of thousands of people jam the square on the eve of Independence Day when the President appears on the balcony of the National Palace, gives the "Grito de Independencia" (Cry of Independence), and rings the independence bell.  The President has announced that, in spite of the pandemic, the "Grito" will be held as always.  However, from what I have read, it has not been announced whether or not the public will be allowed onto the Zócalo.   Hopefully, the President, who has handled the crisis badly, will have the common sense to prohibit the usual mass gathering on September 15th.

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