

Monday, August 3, 2020

A Blogging Milestone

This post is a milestone for my blog.  It is the 2000th entry which I have published.

Back in 2013 a relative, who has since passed away, suggested that I start a travel blog so that family and friends could keep up to date with my travels.  I began on October 27th, just a few days before leaving on another trip to Mexico City.  My very first entry was entitled "Welcome" and it was followed the next day by two entries, "Is It Safe to Travel to Mexico?"  and "A Brief History of Mexico City".  A former teaching colleague posted my blog address on Facebook, and within a couple days I had a spike in traffic.  Some of the visitors were former students of mine... and some of them are still viewing my blog.  By November 2nd, I was writing of my experiences in Mexico 

Of course the majority of my posts, over 1200, deal with Mexico, and three quarters of those deal with Mexico City, which I have been visiting three or four times a year since before the beginning of this blog.   However, I have also written about such far-flung places as Peru, Norway and Liechtenstein, and I have written a fair amount about my home state of Ohio.

When the pandemic struck and my travel plans were put on hold, I figured that my blog would be semi-dormant.  However, I have been writing nearly every day on topics ranging from gardening to cooking  to politics to walks in the neighborhood.  Surprisingly I am on track to publish a record number of posts this year.  However, I shall be overjoyed when once again I am able to report on the travels of this retired teacher!