

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Completion at Last!

The new siding on my house is finally complete!

As I wrote previously the one portion that remained to be done was around the living room windows.  They had found that some of the wooden frame around the large picture window was rotten.  The boss conferred with a window expert and was told that it wasn't necessary to replace the window (thank goodness!).  They could simply remove the wood and replace it... very carefully.

On Friday the boss and one of his workers arrived around noon.  The boss removed the rotten wood and put new wood in its place.  He admitted later that he was rather nervous as he did the job.  The other worker then covered the window frames with vinyl and caulked everything.  It turned out looking good.

They didn't complete the work until nearly 8:00  P.M.  While they were working, I painted the garage door which was much in need of a fresh coat of paint.

The outside of the house now looks bright and new!

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