sugar skulls

sugar skulls

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Winter´s Last Gasp?

Even though the calendar says that it is spring, even though the daffodils have sprouted, and even though we have had numerous mild days in which the temperature has risen into the 50s F, here in Ohio you can usually count on a last snow in late March or even April.

Yesterday was a mild but overcast day.  In the early evening the drizzle turned to heavy rain, and my back yard was flooded.  Then the temperature dropped, and by 10 P.M. it was snowing heavily.  This morning I had this wintry view from my window.  I guess Mother Nature played an April Fool's Day joke on us one day early.

The one good thing about these late season snows is that they do not last long.  By Tuesday the temperature is forecast to be back in the 50s.

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