Monday, February 11, 2019

Does Anyone Know?

During one of my walks through the city, I passed through a city park that had several bushes with these large, trumpet-shaped, yellow flowers.

Does anyone know what kind of flowers they are?

While speaking of flowers, on the same walk I came across this spectacular bougainvillea that was at least six stories high climbing a tree next to an apartment building.

Poinsettias continue to bloom...

And I continue to see more jacaranda trees in bloom.


  1. Yes, I know the plant. I will get the true name but we call it "Golden Trumpet". I LOVE it and have never had one. I intend to get seeds, but never do. Give me the rest of the week to get the info, but I will. (Busy time)

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I figured that if anyone knew, it would be you!
