

Thursday, January 25, 2018

More Street Sounds

One of the sounds which I most associate with Mexico City is the recording played by the trucks of the junk dealers. They make the rounds through the city streets buying old appliances and other household items.  It doesn't matter whether you are in a working class neighborhood or an upscale district, you will likely hear this recording being blasted on a daily basis.

This morning I heard a truck´s recording from a distance, and I went upstairs to hoping to film if it should come down the street in front of Alejandro's house.  After a short wait, sure enough, the truck turned onto the street.  

"Se compran colchones, tambores, refrigeradores, estufas, lavadoras, microondas, o algo de fierro viejo que vendan."  Loosely translated... We buy mattresses, bedframes, refrigerators, stoves, washers, microwaves, or anything of old metal that you want to sell.

I did a bit of research and discovered that the voice is that of a young lady by the name of María del Mar Terrón Martínez.  Her father wrote the words, and made the recording when she was only ten years old.  Now more than a decade later, her voice is one of the most iconic sounds of Mexico City.


  1. Love it! Thanks for posting. Too bad that girl's family didn't negotiate a royalty.

    1. I have no idea how much they made out of the deal, but her voice is definitely everywhere in Mexico City.
