Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

The holiday season is upon us.  Tomorrow I will drive down to Columbus to spend Thanksgiving with family.

There is one thing that is making me dread family gatherings this year... that someone will start talking politics.  I have strong opinions about this year's election, and I have expressed them here on the blog.  I don't think I have ever felt such a level of stress and depression over a political campaign.  However I really don't want to listen to more discussion at Thanksgiving or Christmas... even if the others share my beliefs.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if in every household across the nation there would be a "NO POLITICS!" policy enforced at all holiday gatherings?

That is perhaps an impossible dream, but I hope that my U.S. readers all have a happy (and non-political) Thanksgiving!


  1. Our koffee klatch group has ALWAYS operated on a no POLITICS policy which is good and keeps us from hating one another. If someone forgets, one of us just pipes up with "No politics" and the conversation ends. You might try it!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking of doing.
      Happy Thanksgiving, Barbara!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I sure hope you guys talk about everything but politcs... it's been too much already.

    PS What a pity about the obsidian letter opener...

    1. Thanks, Tino! Fortunately, the conversation rarely turned to politics, and when it briefly took a turn in that direction at the dinner table, my 16 year-old great nephew spoke up and said, "No politics!" Good for him!
