Independence Day

Independence Day

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Quiz Time - Museums of the World

Here's another quiz for my readers.
Can you identify these great museums of the world?

Number One...

 Number Two...

Number Three...

 Number Four...

Number Five...

 Number Six...

Good luck!

Update:  My friend Gayle correctly identified three of the six museums.  This is her first time participating in one of my quizzes.  Congratulations, Gayle!

Number Two is the Louvre in Paris, the largest and most famous art museum in the world.  This one is the only one of the pictured museums that I have not visited.  Since I was in Paris for only three short days, I figured that I did not have the time to do justice to this vast museum.

Number Three is the British Museum in London, one of the greatest archaeological museums of the world.  For years there has been controversy over how the museum's huge collection was amassed during the heyday of the British Empire.  Some countries demand that their treasures be returned.   Their point of view is understandable.  But on the other hand, in today's world where religious fanatics are blowing up archaeological sites, perhaps the collection is much safer right where it is.

Number Four is the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio.  While it is not as famous as the others, my hometown museum is highly regarded internationally for the breadth and quality of its collection.

Three museums remain to be identified.  Don't be shy!  I am sure that some of my readers out there know the answers!

Update:  Number Six has been correctly identified.  Meredith, a former student of mine correctly answered that it is the D'Orsay Museum in Paris.  Meredith is a frequent commenter on my blog, but I believe that this is the first time that she has participated in one of my quizzes.  Congratulations, Meredith!

Although I did not visit the Louvre during my short visit to Paris, I did go to the D'Orsay Museum.  It is much more manageable in size.  I didn't see everything there, but I did see its excellent collection of Impressionist paintings. 

Numbers One and Five remain to be identified.  I know that some of my readers recognize them!

Update:  I was holding off on closing the quiz because I knew that some of my readers could identify the last two remaining museums.  My friend and fellow blogger Kim ("El Gringo Suelto") correctly identified Numbers One and Five.  Although Kim is a very frequent commenter, this is the first time that he has participated in one of the quizzes.  Congratulations, Kim!

Number One is "El Prado" in Madrid, Spain.  Nowhere else in the world will you see such an extensive collection of Spanish masters such as Velázquez and Goya.  It also houses a large collection of Italian and Flemish paintings.

I have written frequently on this blog about museum Number Five, so I was surprised that it was not the first one to be identified.  It is the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, one of the world's great archaeology museums, and the greatest collection of Pre-Hispanic artifacts anywhere.

Congratulations again to winners Gayle, Meredith and Kim!   


  1. While #1 looks like a lovely museum, I have no idea where it is. #2 is The Louvre, #3 is the British Museum and #4 is the Cleveland Museum of Art. I also have no clue where numbers 5 and 6 are located.

  2. Pretty sure #6 is the Musee d'Orsay in Paris. (Proud to say I've been to that one, as well as a few others in this quiz.)

    1. Correct! Congratulations, Meredith! I am so proud that one of my former students is a world traveler!

  3. Hola Bill!

    OK, number one is El Prado in Madrid. And number five is the Museo de Antropología in the Bosque de Chapultepec in Mexico City. (I'm surprised that one remains unanswered on this particular blog given how many times you've written about it.)

    How did I do? How did I do?

    Saludos y un abrazo,

    Kim G
    CDMX, México
    Where there are plenty of obscure museums to choose from if you want to go to the PhD edition of this quiz.

    1. You are a winner! What's your prize? My congratulations.
      Yes, I was sure that the Anthropology Museum would be the first one answered. And, yes, I could make up a devilishly difficult quiz on some of Mexico City's lesser known museums!
      Saludos y abrazos,

    2. I'm sure you've got loads of practice making up devilishly difficult exams! Haha. Saludos!

    3. Actually, although I'm sure that some of my students would have disagreed, I tried to keep my test pretty straight-forward, and not purposely difficult. I was, however, a stickler for correct answers.
      I think I might go with your idea of doing a quiz on lesser known museums in Mexico City. So be sure to check back. You're one of the readers most likely to answer correctly!
