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sugar skulls

Friday, February 6, 2015

Those Darn Sidewalks

This post is written tongue in cheek, but also with more than a grain of truth.

This is directed to all those know-nothing, "gringo" pundits who would have us believe that Mexico is the most dangerous, lawless place this side of Iraq... that no sensible person would dare travel there.  You are full of baloney!!  Yes, there are terrible things that happen in Mexico, just as there are terrible things going on all over the world.  But the chances of a tourist being decapitated by a drug cartel, kidnapped by a rogue taxi driver, or arrested by a corrupt cop are next to nil.

What the people have not been told is that the true danger in Mexico, whether you are in Mexico City, Oaxaca, or even idyllic Mérida is...  THE SIDEWALKS!  Everywhere you go there are sidewalks in a state of disrepair that are waiting to snare the tourist who is too busy looking at the sights to watch where he/she is going.   I have stumbled numerous times, as have friends who have come with me to Mexico.  Fortunately, neither my friends nor I have injured ourselves.  The most frequent injury suffered by tourists to Mexico (no, I don't have no stinkin' documentation) is broken arms and wrists suffered from trying to break one's fall after being attacked by an insidious sidewalk. 

Yesterday afternoon, in a spirit of public service, I walked around the neighborhood where I am staying (an upper-middle class neighborhood, mind you).  I have photographed the dangers which lurk on every street!

Look at these sidewalks!

 A major part of the problem is that the driveways leading from the garages to the street are never at the same level as the sidewalk... so there are constant dips and rises.

At least they were nice enough to put in a step and a handicapped ramp.

  Now that is just ridiculous!

And be sure to watch out for those metal posts sticking out of the sidewalks.

Scariest of all are the gaping holes.  Instead of manhole covers, most of the utility covers are made of cement... cement that is often crumbling.

I have no idea how women wearing high heels survive here!

You can imagine how many law suits there would be in the United States if the sidewalks were like this!  But Mexico is not a "sue-happy" country (which is a good thing).  I just wish, though, that they would do something about their sidewalks!


  1. Closed toe shoes with sturdy soles are essential footwear for me in Mexico. It is odd how many people are afraid of being kidnapped or robbed by drug cartels!

    1. You're a sensible traveler, but I don't understand how the fashionable ladies of Mexico City in their high heels don't end up with twisted ankles or worse!

  2. Sadewalks are dangerous? Who knew?? There was so much dog doo on the sidewalks, I always walked in the road instead.

    Actually, the most dangerous part of walking on the sidewalks for me wasn't what lay underfoot, but the low hanging branches that would catch my forehead. That's the problem of being 6'3" in a country when 5'8" is considered lofty, and tree branches are trimmed accordingly.

    1. During my "investigative walk", I only found one pile of dog poo. Perhaps the residents of Condesa (where everyone seems to have a dog) are becoming more responsible pet owners.
      I'm a big shorter that you... 5'10"...and have not have much problem with tree branches. However in market areas and where they have strung up stalls on the sidewalk, I am constantly having to duck.

  3. The photo of the lone metal pole sticking out of the sidewalk made me laugh out loud. Thank you for this investigative reporting! (hehehe)

    1. You're very welcome. Now you know what to look out for when you travel to Mexico! By the way, the metal poles are so that people don't park on the sidewalk!
