Saturday, June 27, 2015

Rain, rain, go away!

About a month ago we were complaining here about the lack of rain, but in the last couple weeks we have had more than our share of precipitation.  Last Tuesday, we had torrential rains.  Things were just starting to dry out, when today we had even heavier rains.  The saturated ground can't absorb it all, and I have lakes in front of, and in back of my house.

More rain is predicted for tomorrow... and for Tuesday... and for Wednesday.
I know that this is inconsequential compared to the loss of life and the property damage that some areas of the country have suffered this year due to flooding.
But after all the hours that I have put into my flower garden, I am very discouraged and fear that some of my plants are going to drown.

I wish that we could send some of this to California.


  1. I feel the same way. The new geraniums are looking bedraggled as are the birds and butterflies who do their best to hide out from the downpours without much success.

    Wow, you have standing water! NOT good. Hope it dries out soon. I DID have standing water INSIDE my house 10 days ago. NOT good then either, but all is back in shape.

    1. Fortunately, we didn't get much rain on Sunday, and only a drizzle today. The lakes are gone, except for standing water in a neighbor's yard. The flowers seemed to have survived. This is why a lot of the perennials I planted are plants that like a lot of water.
      I've never had the water get into the house though.
