Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Plodding Along

Slowly but surely I am progressing through my flower beds.  Yesterday I finished work on this large section of my shade garden under the black walnut tree.

This garden is largely filled in with shade-loving perennials such as hostas, ferns, and astilbe, so there wasn't much planting to do.  However, under those perennials there were a myriad of weeds sprouting.  Unfortunately, it is not a matter of "out of sight, out of mind."  Those little weeds eventually grow and poke up above the plants that hid them.  So I had to go through and carefully pull them out.  I'm sure that I missed a few, but at least now the number of weeds will be manageable.

Some of my astilbe are now in bloom.  I wish that they would bloom all summer, but at least when they are done, they are still an attractive foliage plant.



  1. I've never seen or heard of astilbe. What an interesting and beautiful plant. Your shade gardens are so so lovely! Wanna come weed here? ha.......

    1. Thanks, Barbara. Astilbes are a fairly common shade perennial up here. They come in many varieties, and have white, pink or red flowers. And they are deer resistant!
      Sorry, but I have enough weeds to pull here. As I will write in my next post, I am about ready to tackle my biggest weeding job.
