Independence Day

Independence Day

Sunday, September 1, 2024

It's September

On the first of each month, I always show you the picture that I selected for the calendar that I made.  I suspect that this painting has appeared on many Mexican calendars for the month of Mexican Independence Day.


Jesús Helguera (1910 -1971) was best known for idealized paintings which were used on calendars.  The picture shows Father Miguel Hidalgo, the village priest who on September 16th, 1810, proclaimed that Mexico should be independent of Spain.  Leading his rag-tag army, he marched across the countryside, capturing town after town, until he was captured by Spanish forces and executed on July 30th, 1811.  The war dragged on until 1821 when Spain finally recognized Mexico's independence.

Helguera died at a young age, but his paintings are still being used on calendars... including mine.

Tomorrow, I will begin to tell you about our trip to San Miguel de Allende.

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