Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's Not Over Yet

When winter loosened its grip here in Ohio, I was not so foolish as to think that we had seen the last of the snow.  March is a fickle month, and I knew that winter would try to make a comeback. Yesterday was cold, and it was snowing lightly most of the day.  Fortunately, there was just a light cover of snow.  Tomorrow the temperature will approach 50 F, and this snow will be gone.  However I will not discount the possibility of more white stuff before spring takes firm control and gives ol' man winter the boot for another year.


  1. Amazing! Glad you like cold weather. Here I sit writing this with the doors and windows open so I can hear the birds and church bells singing and pealing...........ALL day!

    1. The snow was all gone by the afternoon. Today I actually went outside and raked some of the yard. It was chilly... around 40... but sunny.

  2. The snow in the Northeast seems endless. I am eager to wake up to sunshine (or even rain) every day rather than snow. I really hope spring has sprung!

    1. Here in Ohio, we didn't have nearly as much snow as you did, but the temperatures were brutal. Even though I spent a good portion of the winter in Mexico, by the end of February, I was sick of it!
      Here's hoping for a beautiful spring for us all.
      Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment.
