Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Finished Product

This morning I completed my painting.  Here is the finished product...

The colors in the photograph are not quite correct.  Because of the light source, the right side looks a bit more yellowish.

If you look back at the earlier post in which I showed the photo that I used as the basis for the painting, you will notice that they are not exactly the same.  Artistic license... for the sake of my sanity, I simplified the jumble of houses and red tile roofs.

I am pretty satisfied with the way it turned out, and I hope that it will fetch some money in the charity auction later this month.


  1. How wonderful that you have such talent! I once took a course (one of many) at the Art League in Houston. I was supposed to sketch a vacuum cleaner in black, white and shades of gray. It looked like Japanese hieroglyphics when I finished, not matter how hard I tried. It was so stressful for me that I don't think I've even sketched since then!
    I so wish I could draw and paint as you............Congrats!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I've never had any formal art lessons. I just sort of taught myself, and bit by bit have improved my style over the years. I'm sure that some of my techniques are contrary to what is taught in art schools, but as long as I am happy with my results, I don't care.
      May some of your hieroglyphic sketches could pass for abstract art. Ha, ha! They can't be any worse than some of the "art" that I've seen in contemporary galleries.

  2. Bill, you truly have a wonderful talent. I think you need to find a better market for your works, though.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where it's very hard to resist making some kind of joke that Barbara's sketch of the vacuum perhaps sucked. Ooops!!! I think my resistance just failed me.

    1. Thanks, Kim. I used to be a member of the local fine arts club, and would occasionally sell a painting at the shows. But with as much as I have been traveling the last few years, there just isn't time.

  3. Lovely work! It's been fun to watch your painting take shape.

  4. Bill, Finally I got around to looking at the painting on your blog. I love it. When I was scrolling down through your entries, I saw the top portion of the trees first, and thought it was a photo! I can almost feel the roughness of the bark. My Mom would have loved talking to you about your art. She was talented also.

    1. Thanks, Gail. I'm glad you like the painting! I'm hoping that it will bring in some money for the charity auction this Saturday.
