Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Promise of Spring

The snow is all gone... except for the piles where parking lots were plowed.  I don't discount the possibility of more snow, but spring is on its way.  Robins are singing outside, and in the flower beds the daffodils have sprouted.


  1. I so remember to this day, the joy as a child in Chicago, when my mother and I would see the sprouts of her tulips, daffodils and narcissus peeking through the sodden soil.

    Enjoy! Here, the bougainvillea is popping open so fast you can almost see it with the naked eye!

    1. As much as I hated this winter, the change of seasons is a delight!
      I wish that bougainvillea could grow in northern climes because it is so beautiful!

  2. Show off!!! I've still got 2-3 feet or so of snow in the back yard and 4-6 feet in the front. Even bionic crocuses and daffodils won't be able to poke through. I don't thin we'll see those flowers until May. Blah!!!


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where Frozen has become a way of life.

    1. I can't even imagine 6 feet of snow... and in the middle of March! If it's any consolation, we are having a cold snap with a high today of only 28... and tomorrow a high of 32. However it's sunny, and there is no snow. Even the piles in the parking lots have disappeared.
      Hang in there... eventually it will all melt away.

    2. It's pouring rain today, and close to 50°, but it takes a lot of heat to melt so much snow. And before we got all the snow, it was *very* cold so the snow has kept the ground from warming much at all.

      Yesterday, I chipped away at some of the snow in the front yard and threw it into the street where it would melt. I can now see my phlox, and also see quite a few things that started to rot under all the snow.

      Hopefully it keeps melting fast, though it's supposed to get cold again on Saturday.

      Funny thing, I always thought Ohio would be *much* colder than Boston, but it (at least this year) seems to be the other way around.


      Kim G
      Boston, MA
      Where there was a point, thankfully past, where even the icicles had icicles.

    3. Well, you answered the question I asked when I responded to your comment on "salmorejo".
      We had some very frigid weather this winter... we just didn't get the ridiculous amount of snow that you got. The next couple days are going to be below freezing. To a certain degree the presence of Lake Erie moderates our temperatures a bit... at least when we're not dealing with a "polar vortex".
