Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Heading Back


Tomorrow I will return to Mexico, and I will be there until March 1st.  My flight from Cleveland to Houston does not leave quite as early as on some of my previous trips... 8:15 A.M.  However, I still have to be at the airport around 6:00.  

Thank goodness there is none of the weather chaos in the forecast that we had at Christmas or which parts of the South or the Pacific coast are currently experiencing.   When I leave the house tomorrow morning the temperature is supposed to be 37 F, and there is only a 6% chance of precipitation.  (I won't have to haul my suitcases out to the taxi in the rain.)  When I arrive in Houston it will be 63 F and sunny.  Upon my afternoon arrival in Mexico City there will be sunny skies and a temperature of 72 degrees.  

Usually, I try to schedule a long layover of at least two hours, so that I don't have to be so paranoid about making my connections.  This time, however, I only have a layover of an hour and ten minutes in Houston.  So, I am glad that the weather forecast looks good, and should not be a source of flight delays.  (My flights are not coming from anyplace with weather problems either.)  Barring mechanical difficulties or staffing issues, everything should go smoothly.  (Knock on wood, fingers crossed.)

Except for putting my laptop in my backpack, my luggage is all packed.  In about thirty minutes I will print out my boarding passes.  Today I will finish cleaning house, pay any bills that arrive in the mail today, and check off the last items on my list.

My next post will be from sunny Mexico City!  ¡Hasta luego!


  1. Have a safe and uneventful tip querido Bill!

  2. Buen suerte'. We have mild weather with a proposed high of 79 today here in the mountains of Mexico! Cold nights but delightful days.......Bienvenidos!

  3. Thanks, Barbara. It's sunny and 72 degrees right now in Mexico City.
