Saturday, January 21, 2023

At the World Trade Center

This past week there was an exhibition of furniture and home decor at the World Trade Center.  It was only a block away from my apartment, and admission was free, so last Wednesday I decided to check it out. 

The furniture manufacturers' displays didn't interest me that much.  After all, when I buy the apartment, the owners are going to leave the furniture.  So, I am not in the market for that.  The booths of home decor were more interesting.  Some of the merchandise was, frankly, gosh-awful gaudy... something you might expect in the home of a newly rich person who was trying to impress everyone with pseudo-baroque gewgaws.  Most of the items, however, were very lovely.  There were also several booths selling Mexican handicrafts.  Well, readers of this blog know how much I love handicrafts.

I don't need any "Day of the Dead" decorations.

This booth had a variety of Mexican pottery for sale.

You may also recall that I collect wooden and clay figures of jaguars.  I couldn't resist this little hand-painted cup with a jaguar's face.  It comes from the state of Guerrero.

So, I didn't leave the exhibition empty handed, even if I only spent 180 pesos (about nine dollars.)

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