Sunday, January 29, 2023

Art in the Market

In Mexico City's Historic Center, a few blocks away from the typical tourist track, is the Abelardo L. Rodríguez Market.

The market was built in 1934 and was a model for modern market buildings.  Today it seems rather cramped and antiquated.

What makes this marketplace noteworthy is that there are over 15,000 square meters of mural paintings that were done by students of Diego Rivera.  They are located at the entrances to the market.

I had visited the market briefly some years ago and may have even posted a few photos on this blog.  However last week I returned and took a closer look at the paintings.  Most of the murals are of socialist themes, dealing with the exploitation of workers.

One wall has a series of paintings which show crops being burned to keep the landowners' profits high.  As a result, poor people die of hunger and workers riot.

Although the murals in this market are considered one of the city's outstanding collection of public art, they have suffered damage through the years due to humidity, earthquakes and neglect.  In 2009 work began on the restoration of the murals, but much work remains to be done.


  1. Neat! I think I know where this is, but have never been inside. Is this a few blocks northeast of the Zocalo?

    BTW, this is Scott of gringopotpourri renown. I was unable to leave a comment via URL or Google. I will be in CDMX in mid-March. Exact dates not locked in. Perchance will you be around then?


    1. Yes, the market is 4 blocks north and 2 blocks east of the Zócalo on República de Venezuela.
      How long will you be in Mexico City? I will probably come back around April 5th or 6th. Let me know when you have your dates.

    2. Hi William,

      Thanks - I couldn't recall the street name. I'll be sure to check out the inside of that market on my next visit. I've always enjoyed that area of the Centro Historico, even though it's just outside the perceived "safe zone" that most gringos choose to walk.

      I'm still unsure of dates and duration; I'll email you when I have more specifics.
