

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jacaranda Time

Mexico City is graced with thousands of "jacarandas", a subtropical tree which blooms in the spring.  When I was in Mexico in February, some of the trees were already starting to display their delicate purple blossoms.  By the time I make my annual visit in April, many of the trees seem to be past their prime.  However, this tree, right outside the window of my apartment, is still beautiful.


  1. Their blooming, at least in SMA, this year was about 3 weeks late. We are still enjoying them in full bloom.
    Such a lovely sight, don't you think?

    1. Although I saw a few trees already blooming in February, Alejandro says that most of them in Mexico City were late in blooming. As we left the city today, I saw lots of trees in full bloom. Yes, they are lovely.
