

Friday, February 27, 2015

I'm Sick of Winter!


Even though March is a couple days away, winter is showing no signs of loosening its grip.  As I write this, the temperature is a chilly 4 degrees Fahrenheit.  Last night it was below zero, and tonight once again it is predicted to fall to -3 degrees.  On Sunday, we are expected to get three to five inches of snow. Here in Ohio, we usually can expect snow well into March and even occasionally in April, but by this time normally the temperatures are beginning to moderate, and there are breaks in the winter weather that give us hope for spring.   The long term forecast (which is really just a guess by meteorologists) says that we might reach the low forties on Tuesday and Wednesday... but with a rain / ice mix.  Yuck! Then the temperatures are supposed to drop below freezing again. 

Even though I missed out on five weeks of winter during my trip to Mexico, I am sick of this.  A friend asked me just yesterday, "Why did you bother to come home?"  Well, as enticing as an entire winter in Mexico sounds right now, there are things that have to be done at home.  So I will just have to put up with it until spring decides to arrive.


  1. It's a beautiful photo, as long as I don't have to be in it! I, personally, would have gone snow crazy by now. At least you have central heat!

    1. The furnace has been running virtually non-stop during this weather.
      Every one is sick and tired of this winter.

  2. Salvation may be at hand. Spring arrives in less than two weeks, and here in Boston, we've had a number of days near 40°F, practically a heat wave by recent standards. But more importantly, snow here is beginning to melt. You too should be getting some warmer weather soon. Yes, it could snow again, but I think we're though the worst of it.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we're not feeling *TOO* sorry for you, what with your mid-winter getaway.

    1. It was nearly 40 degrees here too today. All next week the temperatures are forecast to above freezing... in fact one day it's supposed to reach 50. The snow is starting to melt, and, if the forecast is correct, should all be gone soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it might be a portent of an early spring. We certainly deserve it, but I know very well how fickle Ohio weather can be!
