Friday, March 13, 2015

The Big Thaw

It seems that winter is finally loosening its grip.  Although here in Ohio we did not receive anywhere near the amount of snow that New England suffered, we had well over a foot of the white stuff.  And because our temperatures never rose above freezing, none of it melted.

We have finally had a string of days with the temperature rising into the 40s.  The snow gradually melted, and as it melted, a pond of water appeared.

(This is the first picture that I have taken with my new camera!)

(Our neighborhood yards are prone to flooding when the winter snows melt or when we have heavy rains.  In the early spring it is common for ducks to arrive and enjoy the temporary pond.)
I am not expecting winter to be completely over however.  I remember when I was studying in Mexico back in 1973.  I was scheduled to return to Ohio on March 17th, but I ended up spending the night in Atlanta because a huge snowstorm had shut down Cleveland Airport.  And not too many years ago, the Cleveland Indians' home opener in April was cancelled because of snow!
Nevertheless, after such a brutal month of February, it is wonderful to at last see the promise of spring! 


  1. It's thawing here too. We had a day in the mid-50's last week, and compared to the upper teens and low 20's we've been having it felt positively tropical.

    But that said, there's still 4-5 feet of snow in my front yard, and the back yard still has about three feet.

    If only Washington DC could send some of their excess hot air this way...


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where at least the snow and ice have melted off the roof.

    1. The little bit of snow in the picture above is gone now. I know what you mean... when the temperature rose above 40 it felt delicious. But then we had a couple wet, windy days where it felt raw even though it was above 40. Tomorrow it is supposed to approach 60!! Oh, and I just noticed today that my daffodils have sprouted.

    2. OK, don't wanna hear about daffodils. Here the daffodils will need to either be insanely strong and tall to poke through all the snow, or simply wait until next year.



    3. I suspect that you will get daffodils... they will just be a LOT later than usual!
