

Friday, April 12, 2024

A Bunch of Retired Teachers

I wrote a long time ago that there is a group of retired teachers from the school district where I taught that get together for lunch every month.  For many years, I did not attend because I thought that it was a ladies-only get together.  I was told that I should join them, and the last couple of years I have attended when I was in Ohio.

Before I made this trip back to Ohio, I emailed a couple of my former colleagues and wrote that I could come to this month's lunch if they scheduled it while I was up here.  April's lunch was yesterday, and I was in attendance.  The number of former teachers always varies, and sometimes I would not know all of them.  However, yesterday the eight retired teachers were all people with whom I had worked sometime during my teaching career.

Long-time readers of this blog have already met a couple in the group.  Carol (far left) was a colleague in the foreign language department, and years ago she traveled with me to Mérida, Yucatán.  Next to Carol is Nancy, who, along with her husband Fred, has traveled to Mérida and Mexico City.  Lucy (second from the right) says that she is planning to come to Mexico City in the fall, and I am looking forward to playing tour guide when she visits.

It was a wonderful get together, and I enjoyed seeing everyone.

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