

Friday, January 8, 2021

More Members of the "Pendejo" Club

There are plenty of people in our government who are guilty of treason or at least sedition.  Prior to the assault on the Capitol, some Democrats were referring to the group of senators who planned to vote against the certification of the Presidential election as the "Sedition Caucus".  There were around twelve to fourteen senators who said they were going to protest the certification, but when the Senate reconvened after Wednesday's horrific events, only eight cast "nay" votes.  Among those who stuck to their seditious guns were the ringleaders, the obnoxious Ted Cruz of Texas... and this man...

(image taken from the web)

Josh Hawley, senator from the state of Missouri, was the first to announce that he would vote against certification.  He certainly added to his seditious image when, on his way the Capitol, he greeted the mob with a closed fist gesture of support.  The sad thing is that his vote against certification is a stunt to gain the support of Herr Pendejo's base should he decide to seek the Republican nomination for President in 2024.  If he should become the candidate let us all remember this image of him goading on the insurrectionists of January 6, 2021... a date that will live in infamy.

This morning I read about this man, who must also be placed on the list of deplorable "pendejos"...

(image taken from the web)

Derrick Evans is a member of the West Virginia state legislature.  He was among the rioters who stormed the Capitol.  He posted a video on Facebook (since deleted) in which he is shouting, "We're in!  We're in baby!" as he enters the building.  He later claimed that he was only there as "an independent member of the media to film history."  Yeah right.  If the West Virginia government has any guts he will be removed from the legislature and never be allowed to hold public office again.


  1. Pardon my French, but this shit makes my blood boil.

    Your candidate of choice lost. Them's the shakes. Give the rightful winner a chance, just as we did when Trump won in 2016. Eight million fraudulent votes?! C'mon! That tinfoil hat is clearly giving you cancer of the brain.

    January 20th can't arrive quickly enough, whether Trump is in attendance or not.

    1. For someone with a law degree from Yale, Hawley is pretty ignorant. A book publisher has chosen not to publish a book he has written because of his association with Wednesday's events. He is crying that his 1st Amendment rights are being violated. He surely knows that a private publishing company has the discretion to select or reject any book. Yet when Biden made critical comments about him, Hawley demanded a retraction. What a @#%!& hypocrite! I hope that photo of him with the clenched fist forever haunts him and destroys his political ambitions.
      And the "pendejo" announced that he will not attend the inauguration. Good!!!! I won't have to see his ugly, treasonous face!
