

Monday, January 4, 2021

Where's the Sun?


I wrote yesterday that the new year began with heavy rain.  I cannot remember the last time that I saw the sun.  We are now into the fourth day of 2021 and I know that the new year has not brought us so much as a peek of sunshine.  Days of gray skies are not rare here in northern Ohio, especially this time of year.  However, as we watch the pandemic continue to take its toll and we watch the surreal, asinine political grandstanding that rattles the foundations of our Constitution, the dreary weather seems even more depressing.

I looked at the webcams of Mexico City yesterday, and there it is was a gloriously sunny Sunday.

I wished that I was there.  And yet the pall of the pandemic hangs over Mexico City too.  Alejandro tells me that his neighborhood has been especially hard hit with eleven deaths from COVID that he knows of.  His street has been eerily quiet as people remain behind closed doors.  When I talk with him on Skype I can hear the sporadic bang of rockets.  It is not the usual firecrackers that celebrate holidays and saints' days.  They are being set off to mark another funeral.

We all seek the glimmer at the end of this endless tunnel.

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