

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Santa Was Late This Year

 I mentioned in yesterday's post that after our Christmas Eve dinner, we did not exchange gifts. Then, on Christmas Day, it wasn't until that evening at suppertime that the whole family was together for giving presents.  The problem was that they were sick in bed most of the day.  Since last week, one by one, they have been coming down with some sort of bug, and by yesterday they were all under the weather.  I am the only one in the house (knock on wood) that has not come down with it.

Finally, in the early evening, everyone was gathered at the table for leftovers.  After eating, I put on my Santa hat, and we finally exchanged gifts.

They have been coughing and sneezing, and some have had a low-grade fever.  Since I am the only one in the house that had a COVID shot this fall, I was worried that might be what they had.  (It hasn't been until the last few days that limited supplies of the latest version of the shot by Pfizer and Moderna have been trickling into the pharmacies down here.)  However, Alejandro's nephew, who was the first to come down with the cough, was tested for COVID, and he was negative.  This morning Alejandro also took a home test, and he too was negative.

There will be some more gifts exchanged on January 6th, the Day of the Three Kings.  Surely by that time everyone will have recovered from whatever this bug is.   

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