

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Horrors of War

There are a number of movies that I am looking forward to seeing, and on Sunday Alejandro and I went to the Cinemex at the Mexico City World Trade Center and saw the historical drama "1917".

(image taken from the web)
Generally I am not a big fan of war movies, but this film was absolutely gripping.  I was on the edge of my seat as the story unfolded of two young British soldiers in World War I who are sent on a mission to cross no-man's-land to deliver a vital orders to the commander of another battalion.  Benedict Cumberbatch and Colin Firth have brief roles, but I had never heard of the two actors who have the lead roles... George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman.  I am surprised that neither one of them was nominated for an Academy Award.

I will not give away any more of the plot, but the film is a devastating portrayal of the horror and stupidity of war.


  1. This is a movie I'll try to get through at home when my copy comes from the library, but generally speaking, war movies upset me very much and make me angry. I can't wrap my mind around the terror those primarily very young men must have felt.

    1. Yes, I generally do not care for war movies either, but this one is a superbly made movie.
