Monday, November 27, 2017

I Finally Saw It

(image taken from the web)

Disney / Pixar's "Coco" has in less than a month become Mexico's biggest box-office hit ever.  (Alejandro's little nephew has already seen it three times!)  Yet during my stay down there I did not have an opportunity to see it.  While I was in Columbus visiting family for the holiday, we helped make "Coco" the top movie of the Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S.  I finally saw it, and I was not disappointed.

It is a warm, tender movie that treats the culture of Mexico and the traditions of the Day of the Dead with great respect.  Young Miguel lives with his close-knit family in a small Mexican town.  It is Miguel's dream to be a great musician, but his family absolutely forbids music.  On the eve of the Day of the Dead, Miguel finds himself in the Land of the Dead, where he encounters his departed ancestors.  He unravels the mystery of his family's prohibition of music, and, I must say, the ending was a complete surprise to me.  The movie is a tear-jerker... but the tears are happy tears.  

Visually the movie is beautiful... especially the colorful, fantastical World of the Dead.

I am not a big fan of animated movies, but "Coco" is a winner!


  1. I can't wait to see it! Again, thank you for all your wonderful posts from Mexico City!

    1. I think that you will really enjoy "Coco".
      Thank you, Joan. Glad that you enjoy the blog.
