Sunday, November 12, 2017

Beautiful Weather

The weather has been great during this trip to Mexico City.  The rainy season was already coming to end by the time I arrived here in mid-October.  I seem to recall one thunderstorm at night and a couple evenings with a light drizzle.  There were two days when a cold front came through when the skies were cloudy and the temperature was on the chilly side.  Generally, however, there has been sunshine each day, and the high temperatures have been in the 70s (Fahrenheit).  This past week has been warmer than normal with the temperature pushing close to, if not reaching, 80.  There were also a few days where a good breeze cleared the air and the cloudless skies were exceptionally blue.

I could not help but take a few pictures on the Zócalo, the main plaza, on one of those glorious days.

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