

Monday, April 7, 2014

Back to Mexico

Tomorrow I return to Mexico City where I will spend two weeks.  I leave at 11:30 A.M. and will arrive around 6:00 P.M.  I will be there to celebrate my friend Alejandro's birthday as well as Easter.  (It will be the first time that I have spent Easter in Mexico City.)  I have heard that Holy Week is one of the best times to visit the Mexican capital.  So many Mexican families go on vacation at that time that the traffic is relatively light and the air pollution is diminished.  It will definitely be nice to enjoy temperatures in the 70s and 80s!


  1. Smart! Zig when the city zags. Enjoy Holy Week in the DF! We'll look forward to more posts!

    1. Hi Lee,
      This trip probably won't include so much sightseeing, since I am here primarily to celebrate the birthday of my friend Alejandro as well as Easter.

  2. I knew the energy in Mexico was changing..........for the better! Enjoy your time in DF.
    Twenty million Mexicans will be traveling around the country starting on the 11th until the 27th with 300,000 more entering in cars from the USA! Woo hoo.

    1. Thanks, Lee and Babs. At the moment I am sitting in Houston Airport. My flight to Mexico City has been delayed... but only by 40 minutes (they say).
