

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A Postcard to England

I wrote a couple days ago that I went to the post office to buy some picture postcards of Mexico City to send to my cousins in Europe.  Because of the extreme slowness of the Mexican mail, I will wait until I return home and send those from the United States.

I also bought a postcard to send to a fellow blogger, Gary Denness.  (You will find his blog "The Mexile" in my list of blogs to the right.)  Last year during the early stages of the pandemic, Gary, who lives in England, wrote in his blog that he would send a postcard from the UK to anyone who wanted one.  He and I exchanged addresses.  I sent him a card from Ohio and he sent me one from England.  Gary lived for a number of years in Mexico City, so I also told him that, once I was able to travel to Mexico again, I would send him one from here.  That card has already been sent.  We shall see how long it takes for it to travel from Mexico to England. 

So, Gary, if you are reading this, expect to receive a card in a month... or two.... or ???  


  1. I’m always reading amigo, and I look forward to receiving the card from my home from home. If I had to wager on how long it’ll take…six weeks. We’ll soon find out in the goodness of time!

    Thanks very much!

    1. I sent a birthday card for Alejandro's sister's birthday about six weeks ahead of time. It arrived about 2 weeks late.
      That was not as bad as the Christmas card I sent one year to Alejandro's family in November. It arrived in time for Easter.
