

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Contemporary Artist I Actually Like

After I had visited the National Museum of Art on Friday, I crossed the Plaza Tolsá to the 18th century Palace of Mining.  I went to see the "ofrenda" that had been set up to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Tlatelolco Massacre.  

On October 2, 1968 military and police fired on student demonstrators who had assembled at the Plaza of the Three Cultures in the Tlatelolco neighborhood of Mexico City.  As many as 400 students and other civilians may have been killed.

In order to reach the "ofrenda", I had to pass through an temporary exhibit of works by contemporary artist Benjamín Hierro.  If you have read my blog for a while, you know that I look upon much of what passes as contemporary "art" with disdain.  However, as I passed through the galleries, the paintings looked interesting.  After seeing the "ofrenda", I took a closer look at the artwork, and I must say that I rather like Hierro's work.

I had never heard of Hierro before.  He was born in 1959 in Mexico City and was a graduate of the National University of Mexico.  He has also had a career as a professional dancer.  He has had more than 20 exhibitions in Latin America, the U.S. and Europe.  His paintings cost around $10,000, so, although I like his work, I don't think that I will be buying anything of his. 

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