Thursday, October 26, 2017

Skulls on the Reforma

After my sad visit to the earthquake ravaged neighborhood of Condesa, the sun came out after a couple days of overcast skies.  I walked to Mexico City's most famous boulevard, the Paseo de la Reforma.

Notice how the median strip of the boulevard has been filled with marigolds, the traditional flower for the Day of the Dead.

I had come to the Reforma to see the public display of the "alebrijes" from last Saturday's parade.  However, before I even got to the "alebrijes", I discovered that, along one stretch of the pedestrian promenades on either side of the boulevard, there was another display for the Day of the Dead.  There were scores of skull figures, all identical in size and shape, but each decorated by a different artist. 

Here are a few of the colorfully and imaginatively painted skulls along the Reforma...

This skull was enclosed within a glass case because it was entirely covered in beads in the style of the artwork of the Huichol tribe.  In the close-up you can make out the intricate beadwork.

This skull honored the rescuers and other volunteers who gave selflessly of their time and energy after last month's earthquake.

1 comment:

  1. Cleveland has its guitars, but these are much more fun!
