

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hello Iris; So Long Rhododendron

My progress in the garden continues, and at last I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I tackled cleaning out the largest flower bed just in time for the blooming of my Siberian iris.  They are especially pretty this year.

My rhododendron bush, however, is not doing well.  I have no luck with them.  Over the years I have planted three bushes.  They look fine for a few seasons, and then start to go into decline.  I plant them in a sheltered, moist, semi-shady location, and feed them acidic fertilizer, but they never thrive.  It's odd, because I have no problems with azaleas which belong to the same family.  This year the rhododendron is mostly bare branches with some sickly looking leaves, and a half dozen clusters of flowers.

I've decided that after it blooms, I will put it out of its misery and dig it up.  I will plant an azalea in its place.

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