Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Time for Another Quiz

It's been quite a while since I've done a quiz here, so I looked through my pictures to find something for you to try to identify.  This one may be difficult.

On what Mexico City monument do these sculptures appear?

¡Buena suerte!  Good luck!
UPDATE - Well, I thought this one would take longer than the previous quizzes, but we already have a correct answer. 
Joan, a reader who has answered all the previous quizzes, gave a good but incorrect guess by saying the Monument to the Revolution.  The sculptures are from the same era, and of similar themes (although those on the Revolution Monument are more stylized.)  In fact I was considering using a photo of a sculptural detail from the Revolution Monument for this quiz, but I thought that it would be too easy.
(Carvings on the Monument to the Revolution)
The winner is Gary Denness, the author of "The Mexile", a blog that I frequently visit.  He correctly identified these sculptures as being from the Monument to Alvaro Obregón, which is located in Bombilla Park on Insurgentes Avenue in the southern neighborhood of San Angel.  Obregón was a general in the Mexican Revolution and the President of Mexico from 1920 to 1924. The monument was constructed in 1936 on the former site of a restaurant where the President was assassinated. 
Here is a photo of the park and the monument.
Congratulations, Gary!
If you would like to visit Gary's blog, "The Mexile", there is a link to it to the side under my bloglist. 


  1. Well, the style looks similar to those at The Monument
    to the Mexican Revolution in Republic Square.

    1. Sorry Joan, although that is a good guess. The style is similar and from the same era as the Monument to the Revolution.

  2. I'm pretty sure that's on one side of the Alvaro Obregon monument just off Insurgentes at San Somethingorother.

  3. It's amazing! I personally know very little about monuments in Mexico City, but I'm glad there are people who know and can appreciate.

    1. Since you don't live in D.F., that is understandable. However, it is very common for people anywhere not to know all the sights in their own city. When my friend Alejandro and when my cousins from England came to visit me, I took them to places right here in Ohio that I had never visited before.

  4. Yeah! Someone else finally won!

    1. As the saying goes, "You can't win them all." Gary lived and worked in Mexico City for a number of years, so I was wondering when he would finally win one.
      Thanks for participating, Joan!

  5. I was going to guess what Gary guessed, as he and I went there together some years ago. But since I'm now reading your blog days later, I think I'm going to have to be a bit quicker on the draw if I'm to win any of these quizzes.

    So I guess that while you may be retired, the old urge to give quizzes is still strong, eh?


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we have loads of obscure monuments.

    1. Yes, Joan, who won the previous quizzes, usually answers within 24 hours of my posting. I suspect that you and Gary knew the answers on ALL of the quizzes that I posted.

      Even though I have no desire to be in the classroom again, you can't really take the teacher out of me. I guess that's why so many of my posts sound a bit like educational lectures.


  6. Just thought I'd let someone else win one!!!!!!
