

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Thorn Among the Roses

I have mentioned before that every month a group of retired teachers from the school district where I used to teach get together for lunch.  For a long time, I didn't attend these gatherings because I thought they were just for the lady retirees.  Some years ago, I was told that I was more than welcome.  So, I now try to come to these luncheons when I am in town.  Occasionally there is another fellow in the group, but usually I am the only male.  

Yesterday we had the March get-together, and, perhaps because of the wintry weather the night before, the turnout was low.  There were only five of us. Sometimes the group includes retirees from the middle school that I don't know, but this small, congenial group was entirely comprised of former colleagues of mine from the high school.

The members of our group, from left to right, were Karen, who taught home-ec; Lucy, a retired math teacher; Alice, another home-ec teacher, and Nancy, another math teacher.  Long-time readers of my blog may recognize Nancy because she and her husband have taken a couple of trip to Mexico with me. 

We had a great time and sat around chatting for a couple of hours.  I won't be able to attend many more of these gatherings.  I will be in Mexico in April, but May's luncheon will be the day after I return.  I hope I will make it to that one.  After that, who knows what my schedule will be as I prepare to make the move to Mexico?

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