Saturday, July 9, 2022

Class Photo

A couple years ago I posted on the blog my class photo from when I was in kindergarten.  From kindergarten through the third grade, I attended Fairwood Elementary School, but in fourth grade I was transferred to a newer and closer school, Lechner Elementary.  I had all my class photos from Fairwood, but I could not find the ones from Lechner.  

As I go through the process of clearing out closets, cupboards and cabinets in the house, I have been sorting through old photos and setting aside the ones I want to keep.  I finally found my elementary pictures from the fourth through the sixth grades.  Here is the photo of my sixth-grade class.  Can you find me in the picture?  As I look at it, I can still name about half of my classmates.

My sixth-grade teacher was Mrs. Prange, the widow of a Lutheran minister.  All through the summer before entering the sixth grade I was hoping and praying that I would not be in Mrs. Prange's class.  She was the stereotype of the stern, strict and unsmiling schoolteacher.  I was devastated when I found out that I was going to be in her class.

I can honestly say that all of my elementary school teachers were excellent, but I probably learned more that year than with any other teacher.  It was not a "fun" class, and I had more homework that year than I even did in high school.  But Mrs. Prange was a truly dedicated educator.  Years later, when I was in high school, I went back to Lechner and visited her.  She remembered me and seemed pleased to see me.  I don't know whether or not I told her that she was a great teacher.  I hope that I did.

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