

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Making Progress

Whenever I feel daunted by the amount of work that I have to do in the garden, I remember that back in the days before I retired I would not even begin gardening until Memorial Day weekend.  When I look at what I have accomplished already I don't feel so overwhelmed.

The island in the front yard is completed.

The rose bushes there are bigger, bushier and more full of blossoms than they have been in a number of years.

The bed next to the driveway is also completed.  My flower gardens consist mainly of perennials, but I planted a few red and white impatiens in the shade.  I used to plant quite a few impatiens, but then some years ago there was a fungus which turned the plants into slimy mush.  After all this time it should (I hope!) be safe to plant them again.

The beds along the side of the garage and behind it are done.  The lilac is done blooming, but the spirea has started to flower.

At the corner I prepared the first two of several hanging baskets.  These are planted with "super-petunias" which in a few weeks should fill the baskets and cascade over the edges.

I then headed out to the big flower garden in the back, and have made some progress there.

I still have a lot to do.  Usually it takes me until the end of June to finish everything.  However, IF the weather cooperates, I might complete my gardening ahead of schedule.

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