Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Miniature Gift

I have written a number times here about my friend Irma, who was the wife of one of my college Spanish professors.  She was born and raised in Jalapa, Mexico, but she has lived here in Ohio, just minutes away from my house, since the 1970s.  Tomorrow we are going to get together for lunch, and I have a small present from Mexico to give her.

Irma collects nativity scenes, and on my most recent trip I found this for her.

When Alejandro and I were in the city of San Juan del Río, we went to a nativity scene museum.  At the front desk, they had a few items for sale, including this tiny item made from recycled materials.  Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus are on the inside of a bottle cap, and it is mounted on a metal pull tab.  When I saw it I had to buy for Irma!  I'm sure that she doesn't have anything like it in her collection.


  1. That's adorable!

  2. So cute!

    I'm sure she'll love it.

    1. Yes, she did.
      Kathryn, I don't know if you look at my replies, but I have tried numerous times to comment on your blog, and for some reason my comments don't go through.
